While some languages die out, others are created. In the novel The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien created a number of fictional languages, notably, the Elvish languages of Quenya and Sindarin. These languages are thought to be so complete that they are spoken by fans all over the world.
The focus on linguistics have conventionally been placed on real life languages. However, there is value in researching fictional languages. Why do people speak these fictional languages? How are these fictional languages created? These are questions that we hope to answer through this research.
There are numerous fictional languages that are thought to be complete, but we chose to research on Quenya, as it is thought to be the most complete out of all.
1. Background/Motivation
While some languages die out, others are created. In the novel The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien created a number of fictional languages, notably, the Elvish languages of Quenya and Sindarin. These languages are thought to be so complete that they are spoken by fans all over the world.
The focus on linguistics have conventionally been placed on real life languages. However, there is value in researching fictional languages. Why do people speak these fictional languages? How are these fictional languages created? These are questions that we hope to answer through this research.
There are numerous fictional languages that are thought to be complete, but we chose to research on Quenya, as it is thought to be the most complete out of all.
2. Research question
Understanding the morphology of words and the syntax of the fictional language Quenya, while drawing a comparison to English and German.
3. Method
A bottom-up approach will be applied for this research. Just like breaking the code of a new real life language. We will draw up questions to help us understand the morphology and syntax of Quenya.
Fan built lexicons, dictionaries and translators are readily available online. Through the use of this resources, they will play the role of a Quenya speaker, providing us with the answers we require. We will then analyse these patterns to give a better understanding of the Quenya language.
Quenya is constructed from a division of Old Norse, which is also a division from the North Germanic language, while English evolved from the West Germanic language. Therefore, we will be able to draw a comparison between the morphology and syntax of English, German and Quenya to better our understanding of Quenya.
4. Expectations
Through this research, we aim to achieve the following.
Understand the morphology and syntax of the fictional language Quenya.
Draw a comparison with English and German to gain a better understanding of Quenya.
Understand how fictional languages are created and its restrictions.
There are certain limitations to this research. As the lexicons and dictionaries are fan-built, there may be some human errors due to the lack in research. We will also be using Quenya, as written in the book or from the movie, as a check to the the existing resources. We also understand that in the fictional world, some words or expressions may not be available due to the culture a country has.
5. Discussion directions
台灣這塊土地乘載許多來自不同文化的移民,而我們都知道,一個語言是會持續改變而「演化」的,若將生物學家達爾文的生物演化概念帶入語言學,其代表著相對弱勢的語言會漸漸地被強勢的語言競爭掉。但除了彼此相互競爭之外,不同的語言卻也能夠相互的融合、承載,進而衍伸出新的語彙來,像是許多台灣人都會不知不覺的脫口出「日式『台語』」,例如:「歐都拜」即オートバイ、「斯哩控」即シリコン、「空固力」即コンクリート、「秀抖」即ショート……等,其他尚有諸如:「韓都嚕」、「紅不讓」……等不勝枚舉的例子,然透過仔細的歸納與分析後,其實我們不難發現,以上這些「日式『台語』」其實都是從「英譯日文」進一步轉變而來的,但為甚麼在普遍英語能力也不錯的台灣社會中,在「台語」方面會選擇承襲這些日文式發音的語彙,並很自然的將這些「英譯日文式語彙」直接應用在現代日常生活中呢?難道不能以正確的英語發音來重新翻譯此類「日式『台語』」語彙嗎?我相信若家中來了一個水電師傅、或是臨時遇到一位機車行老闆,若直接跟他們講「斯哩控」一定會比「silicon」來的親切,而講「歐都拜」也會比「auto-bike」來的直接。然而事實上,日本人是因為在自身的語言上沒有在使用捲舌音,為了方便外來語的學習,才引入了片假名,並開發了特殊的拗音,最後這些外來語才能以日語發音的方式融入日語詞彙。然而,在「台語」,甚至是「中文」的使用上,並無出現捲舌音這部分的問題,但在生活中,我們卻仍偏好於日常對話中使用這些「日語發音式的外來語」 (當然仍有例外,如 : beer,日文為ビール,中文為啤酒,但於台語中仍稱「必魯」),而非以台灣本土的語言發音方式給予重新命名。我認為這現象也許和日本曾在台灣推行過的「日文運動」有關吧!由此可見,在語言的議題上,除了純粹的於語音學與音韻學方面有考量之外,其中更包含了許多歷史、社會文化,甚至是政治上的影響因素。